The Future
Community Insights services will help support better data infrastructure, practices, and processes within social and community organisations.
These activities will enable the sector to work better together and over time, to provide more effective, efficient solutions to the social challenges the sector addresses.
Over the longer term, the products and services developed will also be of significant benefit to local, regional, and central government authorities, and philanthropic funders.
Community Insights Benefits

Individuals & Families
- Streamlined data collection processes within organisations
- Services better targeted to individual needs
- Better information to advocate for services to meet individuals & family needs
- Increased client voice in service development
- Inequity in service provision made visible / Improved services

Community Organisations
- Organisational Dashboards make data accessible, real-time and visual
- Increased data literacy and capability
- Simplified reporting
- Increased ability to see trends and patterns in service delivery & use
- Relevant big data more available to inform service development and collaboration

Community & Social Sector
- A single portal to find reliable localised social data to inform planning, policy & service delivery
- More efficient & effective local community organisations
- Data sharing builds collaborative practice and trust
- Less duplication
- Improved infrastructure, practises and processes within community

Government & Funders
- Community-generated datasets & insights - complementary to public (government) data
- Community-based evidence to guide resource allocation decisions
- Increased opportunities to collaborate with communities to address challenges