The Story
SociaLink’s Community Insights, established in 2020, helps the Western Bay of Plenty social and community sector build confidence, skills and trust in using insightful data to inform and enhance the work we all do
SociaLink undertook a feasibility study in 2019, funded by TECT, and found a strong appetite for local data resources and support. As a result Community Insights has evolved as a new division of SociaLink – a Tauranga based not-for-profit umbrella organisation supporting social and community sectors across the Western Bay of Plenty.
In the social sector we’ve always been a bit reticent about data – we’re about people not numbers, aren’t we?
Every day we collect and store massive amounts of information about how we run our groups and services and the people in our community we engage with. But are we doing enough with the rich information we’re all collecting?
As the population of the Western Bay of Plenty has grown, so too has the need for evidence-based social services to respond to community needs. Now, and in the future, the social sector requires up-to-date granular information about the communities it serves, the issues facing its people, the resources to support best practice and insights to enable innovation.
About SociaLink
Social Sector Innovation WBOP Charitable Trust (SociaLink) was established in 2012 following discussions with social agencies locally.
The sector sought a vehicle to facilitate capability building within the sector, to provide a collective social sector voice and become more connected to and valued in community, city and regional decision making.
Community Insights helps to build better outcomes for individuals, families and communities, through data insights
1. Building Social Sector Data Capability
Using organisational data dashboards as a tool to grow social sector interest, confidence and skills in accessing and utilising data to strengthen services, understand impact and develop insights into what works and what doesn't in responding to significant community issues
2. Collaborative Community Dataset Development
To build community sector-generated datasets in relation to particular social issues of relevance to the social sector and wider community.